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Knowing how satisfied your employees are and what to do with your satisfaction survey results is critical to business success, as well as choosing the right benefits for your employees and cultivating a company culture where people feel heard and valued.

To investigate the subject of employee satisfaction, we surveyed 2,000 employees in a variety of sectors. Some of the key findings were:

• One-in-three people are not satisfied in their jobs
• 60% don’t feel they have the means to feedback through employee surveys as often as they would like
• Only 39% feel that senior management listen and act on feedback

From these statistics, we can see that ensuring your employees are satisfied at work is vital if you want to attract and retain top talent. Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the employment market has changed - people are expecting more from their employers than ever before, and jobseekers often have their pick of roles. So, it’s imperative that companies assess how satisfied their employees are on a regular basis, as well as actively take on board the feedback.

By watching this interactive video guide, you will understand…

• The difference between employee satisfaction and employee engagement
• Why it is so important to measure employee satisfaction
• The important statistics from our recent study of UK employees
• Advice from business experts on the topics of employment surveys, rewards and benefits, and company culture

Watch the full video below:

For more information, download our free eBook ‘Employee satisfaction: building a happier workforce’ now.