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Helen has worked in health and care recruitment for over 20 years and began her career with Reed in 2000. She is now a Divisional Director and is responsible for the highly skilled teams of health and care recruiters across the UK, in both the temporary and permanent recruitment markets.

Over the years, Helen has led teams to deliver safe solutions to the public, private, and third sectors. Working in this highly specialist and compliant industry is so much more than just a job to Helen.

As a registered provider with the Care Quality Commission (rated ‘good’ in all services), Helen is committed to delivering the best possible outcomes for people who wish to remain at home. Working in collaboration with clients is critical and she strives to always provide the very best service. In our community care business, this means empowering and enriching lives in our communities.

Over the years, Helen has led teams to deliver safe solutions to the public, private, and third sectors. Working in this highly specialist and compliant industry is so much more than just a job to Helen.