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How to finish the interview in first place

This can be the most daunting part of an interview – the part where you ask the questions. You don't want to appear like you haven't understood what you've been told, but you do want to show interest and engagement with the role and organisation in question. So how do you do that?

The suggestions we've provided should be used flexibly, depending on how much is revealed in the interview. It's good to go in with a pre-prepared list, but that doesn't mean you need to ask them all!

So, here's the questions to ask at the end of an interview - and how to ask them.

Filling in the background

First off, of course you'll have done your pre-interview research beforehand, so there may well be things about the company or team you want clarification on. You might ask questions like:

  • Can you tell me how the role fits into the team?

  • What are the team's wider objectives, and how does this role fit into that larger picture?

These are good for gathering background information, and helping you build up a picture of what it would really be like to work there. Remember, the interview is for your benefit just as much as the employer's. You both have to get on with each other and feel like you're making the right decision if it's going to be a successful employment.

Getting down to detail

For more practical questions as to what you'll be doing or what will be expected of you, ask something like:

What are the main relationships I would have to build?

  • What would my KPIs be over the first three months?

  • How would a typical day be structured?

Questions like this help you determine if the day-to-day of the job would be right for you, as well as showing the interviewer that you're keen to hit the ground running.

Because we're all human…

However formal the setting might appear, just remember your interviewers are human too, and taking a little bit of personal interest in them is no bad thing. Try something like:

  • How did you get into this organisation?

  • What do you wish you'd known before you started?

  • What makes you proud to work here?

These shouldn't be the only questions you ask, but it's usually a good idea to show that you take an interest in the people around you.

And finally…

You don't want to get to the end of the interview and felt like you haven't sold yourself well, or missed any opportunities to talk about some great relevant experience.

  • Are there any criteria you think I haven't fulfilled?

  • Would you like me to expand on anything further?

Remember: the questions you ask will be your last chance to make a good impression, so follow the tips above and ask wisely!