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Receiving his award, John said his level 5 apprenticeship in HR with Reed Learning has been a real gamechanger.

Completing my apprenticeship was inspiring and I was ecstatic when I found out I had won the award. Overall, my experience has been amazing. Since commencing my apprenticeship, I have become a more reflective practitioner, developed a thirst for knowledge and championing better work and working lives. I now add weight to my professional judgements by supporting my opinions with compelling evidence from diverse sources, making a positive difference on every level by inspiring others and seeing beyond rules to do what is right, fair and just. This programme has made me realise how psychologically meaningful it is to pursue the highest goals and the development of my character.

I now add weight to my professional judgements by supporting my opinions with compelling

To enter Reed Learning’s apprentice of the year 2023, applicants must:

  • Be an apprentice on a programme with Reed Learning

  • Demonstrate the range of experience and knowledge gained during the apprenticeship

  • Demonstrate how the learning has had a positive impact at work.

Entries will be judged in two stages firstly by Reed Learning’s apprenticeship team, who will shortlist the applications.

A final list of nominees will be judged by the senior leadership team. The winner and runner-up will be announced in September 2023.

The 2023 nomination window will open on 6th February 2023 and close on: 31st May 2023.

Applications must be submitted through the apprentice nomination form. Watch this space.